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7 Tips Tetap Sehat Mental di Dunia Kerja

Sehat secara mental adalah hak asasi manusia, termasuk di dunia kerja. Meski demikian, isu ini masih menjadi momok di berbagai lini pekerjaan, terutama sektor swasta ataupun informal, di mana pengawasan akan kesehatan dan keselamatan pekerja masih kurang. Padahal, saat seseorang sehat secara mental, hasil kerjanya berpotensi lebih baik, yang tentu merupakan hal positif untuk perusahaan. Di lain sisi, buruknya kesehatan mental pekerja turut memengaruhi kesehatan fisiknya. Pekerja berisiko lebih sering mengalami sakit kepala, gangguan pencernaan, insomnia, terlalu kurus atau gemuk, punya gangguan mental, dan lainnya. Deretan hal tersebut tentu dapat merugikan perusahaan. Pekerja dengan Mental Sehat Orang yang sehat secara mental bukan hanya orang yang tidak punya gangguan mental. Orang yang bermental sehat adalah orang yang dapat belajar, bekerja, dan mengetahui kemampuan dirinya lebih baik. Tidak hanya itu, mereka pun lebih bisa mengatasi berbagai tekanan hidup serta memberi kontr

The Best Hit (Korean Drama)

Hi guys, long time no see. Not long time ago, I just finished watched one of really hilarious Korean drama, the title is The Best Hit or Hit The Top. So what special about this drama, read on. This drama tells about Yoo Hyun Jae (early20s) (play by Yoon Shi Yoon), a famous singer in a boy band called J2 that travel to the future in the year of 2017 from 1993. In 20 years, he learns that so much change, start from technology, the fact he is not there (Hyun Jae declared missing in 1994), and also he has a son with Bo Hee (early 40s) (his girlfriend in 1994). He found his old studio, that in there, his manager and also his best friend, Gwang Jae (early40s) (play by Cha Tae Hyun), Bo Hee, his son (Ji Hoon) (early20s) live. Gwang Jae still runs World Entertainment that in 2017 just a small agency. Accidentally meet Ji Hoon but couldn't reveal that he comes from the past, Hyun Jae said that he has an amnesia (He later called Da Bong because his favorite word is ddabbong (me

The Liar and His Lover (korean drama review)

Woah, long time no see folk. It has almost been a year since I wrote about drama review. The Liar and His Lover is the last drama that I did watching. This drama is based on Japanese manga Kanojo wa Uso o Aishisugiteru by Kotomi Aoki and also Japanese film in 2013 with the title The Liar and His Lover. This drama played by Lee Hyun Woo (Kang Han Gyeol) and Red Velvet's Joy (Yoon So Rim). Telling about the music industry and love story between a composer and a singer. Plot Kang Han Gyeol is a genius composer and a bass player of band Crude Play along with Si Hyun (vocal, Yoon(guitarist), and In Ho(drummer). The band recruited by Choi Jin Hyun under Sole Entertainment label. But then, when listening to their song recording, Han Gyeol realize (though the other not) that the music isn't played by them. Han Gyeol wants to know who played the bass and found Seo Chan Young (the player) is way far better than him. Han Gyeol then resigns from the band and just be the compose

Buat NPWP ternyata gampang banget..

Tau kan NPWP itu apa? singkatan dari Nomor Pokok Wajib pajak... biasanya ni yang udah kerja atau mau kerja pasti udah tau, karena emang NPWP ini harus d miliki oleh orang berpenghasilan. terus.. Gimana cara buatnya? gampang banget lah ternyata (yaiyalah ya ngapain dibuat susah, orang itu dibuat buat nagih pajak, wkwkwkkwk) saya saranin buatnya online aja. oke ini cerita saya buat NPWP. saya baru diterima kerja di salah satu perusahaan swasta dan si perusahaan ini memiliki syarat untuk pembukaan rekening bank (untuk ngasi gaji) itu dengan memiliki NPWP. (Perusahaan memberi saya waktu satu minggu untuk ngurus2 semua berkas yang mereka perlukan termasuk NPWP di dalamnya) KTP saya KTP Bekasi, tapi saya berdomisili di Jakarta.  Nahh... menurut informasi di internet, katanya buat NPWP emang gampang banget (kalau yang domisili sama KTP nya sama). Cukup dateng ke kantor Pajak terdekat dan hari itu juga langsung jadi. Itu emang benar, udah dibuktikan juga sama sal

ReLIFE (A Review)

So I'll make my first Anime review. ReLIFE is a 2016 Anime, the theme is the slice of life., for your info, this anime released at once, 13 episodes and all of them released together. So, no time for excited waiting for the next episode (I don't know I must happy or sad) haha. It is a story about 27 years old NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) named Kaizaki Arata that turns back to 17 years old high school boy for a year (just the appearance not the inside). He is chosen as an experiment for ReLIFE program. As an experiment, he could not talk about his true self (I mean ReLIFE program and he is 27 years old). He is promised that after a year, everything will back and ReLIFE will search a job for him. No one in high school will remember him after a year. In that program, he is surveillance by Yoake Ryo (from support division in ReLIFE Laboratory). In this case, Yoake Ryo will be a high school boy too. So, the high school story began

Twenty Again (A Review)

Heyho... The latest Korean drama that I just watched. How I summarize this drama? A 38-year-old mother who realizes that she lost her 20 years of her life and want it back. The characters: Ha No Ra : A cheerful girl with big dreams that turn into Joseon woman (obedient) after married. She lost her youth and want a new start in life. Kim Woo Chul : A Narcissistic person that think everything revolves around him. Love to lie to make his life easier and run from his mistakes. Think that he is the most important one. Quite ambitious. And solve everything in the contract. Cha Hyun Seok : A man who can't move on. Stuck in the past. His heart still same even after 20 years. A gentleman, kind and also fair person. Kim Yi Jin : An image is really important for her. Smart and kind woman. The resume? Ha No Ra wants to be a dancer, she moved to Seoul with her one and only family (her grandmother) and entered an art school. She and her friends (Ra Yoon Young and Cha